Life of a ranchers wife
2 min readJan 21, 2022


Hello from the Crooked Hill Ranch!

My name is Cassie, the ranchers wife. My husband Scott, he pretty much runs the show! He does the daily feedings, watering, moving of animals. You know, all the ranch stuff! I usually am the assistant, helping and holding my phone to take pictures, and videos! Saying hey, can you maybe do that again, I wasn’t ready!

The bio says it, but we have a 50 acre ranch in Wyoming. We run cattle, pigs and poultry. Also raise Great Pyrenees to help be on guard.

I am what they call a city girl 😂 ranch life was brand new to me! I had dogs, cats and fish. You’ll still catch me down by the cows with white hey dudes and not a speck of dirt on my jeans! Maybe if there is mud, I’ll throw the ole bogs on!

Scott always raised livestock, but having the ranch of this size is a new caliber to him as well. We have 5 pregnant cows, whom should calve in March or April. That will be fun to watch! We recently purchased a long horn bull we call Earle the Pearl. Clyde is our Corriente bull. He and Earle are not friends! These two will be fathers to any future calves born on the ranch.

When I was a child, I wanted to be a writer. I’ve always been expressive, and I like to share my stories. This blog will be a good way for me to show what it’s like to be the ranchers wife, and show everyone our glamorous livestock life! I hope to post regularly. My phone definitely has thousands and thousands of pictures and videos I will share. I am obviously new to this blog stuff, and will learn along the way what people want to read, and what they really don’t care about. I am super excited, however.



Life of a ranchers wife

Life events seen as my point of view being the ranchers wife. Follow us on Facebook. Crookedhillranch